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Board of Directors

The current Board of Directors includes:

Allison Scholl President 293-8814 allison.scholl@comcast.net
Michael Goldman Vice President   seceax@aol.com
Jim Muehlberg Treasurer 293-3576 jim@muehlberg.org
Brian McCauley Secretary 760-1718 mcaly_b@yahoo.com
Ronda McCauley Social 760-1718 ronda_rennick@hotmail.com
Michael Wheelwright Grounds/Maintenance 296-6134 wogonjm@netzero.net
Dell Erwin ARC Chair 295-5891 dellerwin@gmail.com

Meetings of the Board are generally held at 7:00 PM on the second Wednesday of the month. The location is the Cale Elementary cafeteria, unless otherwise noted. The date, time, and location of the next meeting are announced in the minutes of each meeting. Minutes are distributed to each resident in the newspaper slots and are mailed to absentee owners. Minutes are also posted on this website. All homeowners are welcome to attend Board meetings.

Serving on the Board of Directors is a great way to get to know your neighbors and invest a small amount of your time in maintaining the community qualities that attracted you to Mill Creek South. If you are interested in serving on the Board, come to a meeting or let one of the directors know of your interest. The Directors try to strike a balance between upholding the covenants, which govern individual property maintenance, architectural design, and common area use and maintenance, and respecting the rights of individuals to enjoy their property and community. Living in a community with covenants requires each resident to accept a few limitations in exchange for the assurance that the appearance of the neighborhood will be maintained over the long term.

The best way for the Board to properly serve the Association is through thoughtful and consistent input from homeowners. The Board strongly encourages individual homeowners to make their opinions, suggestions and complaints known to the Board.