Tuesday, September 24, 2002

Board Meeting Minutes

1. The meeting was called to order at 7:40 pm. The minutes from the August 27 meeting were approved.

2. Treasurer’s Report: Printed on the back of the minutes. One homeowner dues remains outstanding. There have been two mowings since the last meeting.

3. Homeowner comments: Mowing has commenced at an unoccupied property on Sagewood following a call to the Realtor listing the vacant property.

4. Announcements: Albemarle County has approved Snow’s Garden Center’s plan for a contractor storage facility on the Avon Street property across from the entrance to Mill Creek South.

1. Architectural Review- An application for a regrading change to a driveway on Hidden Ridge was received and approved. Application forms can be picked up in the box in front of 1556 Stoney Creek Dr. Please submit ARC applications at least 30 days before you plan to do the requested work on your property. Turn in completed applications to Don Berard at 452 Hidden Ridge Rd.

2. Grounds and Maintenance- *The Dogipots have been installed. Thus far it appears they are getting lots of use. Thanks to all dog owners who clean up after their pets and are utilizing this new neighborhood resource!**VDOT has completed shoulder work on Stoney Creek Drive. The Board approved sending a thank you letter to VDOT for the recently completed work. *** Joe will investigate the use of a wildflower seed mix for certain common areas **** Hunter Craig will no longer be mowing his vacant lots. The Board approved the mowing of a vacant lot on Hidden Ridge by All Seasons for an additional $20 when the rest of the common areas are mowed.

3. Social - *A pond trail exploration crew completed a hike in September. A trail around the eastern portion of the pond was recommended. The Board approved a proposal from David Cooper that would begin the trail with a diagonal cut off the Whispering Oaks cul-de-sac down to the dam. A trail would then be marked along the eastern side of the pond terminating at the fire road. Residents are asked to contact David Cooper if interested in marking out a trail one weekend and cutting the trail on another weekend (perhaps in early November). Check the website for further information.

4. Website - * A mailing list will be set up for people interested in receiving classified ads since the Monticello Avenue server does not allow the posting of a classifed page..

* The possiblity of a MCS playground is still being investigated. Annual liability insurance for a playground structure would be $190.
**The Board agreed that the entrance sign repainting will contain no border and that the lettering will remain white. The final color choice will be narrowed down and voted on by the Board.
***The Board agreed to pursue the possibility of covenant revisions as opposed to rule revisions. Covenant revision will provide the most solid legal standing for the Association.

* An Indemnity Agreement and Liability Waiver for tree removal was edited and approved by the Board.

NEXT MEETING- Tuesday, October 22 7:30 pm at David Cooper’s house, 1624 Stoney Creek Drive. All homeowners are invited to attend.

Tips and Reminders: *Please observe 25 mph speed limit. **Clear drainage ditches of standing water to avoid mosquito breeding grounds. ***Please be mindful that our covenants require that dogs be kept on leash at all times when they are off your property. ****Before digging or planting remember to call Miss Utility to prevent hitting utility lines.


Pete Caramanis* President 245-0019
Kim McCormick* Vice President 977-2728
Daniel Greene* Treasurer 296-2479
Doug Horwitz* Secretary 971-1551
Joe Gottlieb* Grounds & Maintenance 984-1275
Don Berard Archtectural Review 923-0022
David Cooper* Social Chair 297-3733

* = Present at Meeting.

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This page was last modified on Wednesday, 16-Oct-2002 13:46:08 EDT.