Mill Creek South Homeowners Association

Tuesday June 24, 2003 --Board Meeting Minutes


Called to order at 7:42 p.m. The minutes from the May27 meeting were approved.


Treasurer's Report: Slow month, no dues collected. Another round of letters will be going out in hopes to collect past due homeowner’s fees. Six disclosure packets were sent out to new homeowners. Henry Chandler was paid for tree removal. Scott and Stringfellow did not receive credit for dividends this month, so they will be doubled next time.


Homeowner’s Comments: A homeowner inquired about the mowing of the fire lane. It was scheduled for June 24th.


Committee Reports

1.         Architectural Review- Sally Mank was unable to attend, so there was no discussion.

2.         Grounds and Maintenance:

            •           Painting of the sign at the MCS entrance has been completed.

            •           Joe Gottlieb has been working with Teresa Butler at VDOT, and requesting repairs for the potholes and cracks in the roads. In addition, he is inquiring about what can be done about the drainage ditches. With the shallow pitch and growth of grass, they have not been draining properly. He is interested in finding out some options in correcting this problem.

            •           Removal of the fallen debris in easements was delayed with the rain, but will be done.

            •           All Seasons will clear a three-foot wide ridge across the dam and create a swatch on the north side of the pond trail.


3.         Social -No report

4.         Website:  ---- Addition for the Service Referrals link are still welcomed.


Old Business: no discussion


New Business

•           The board discussed creating a neighborhood handbook--a guide to help everyone learn who their neighbors are.

•           Joe Gottlieb recommended having two board members authorized to sign checks for the MCSHA. So, in the case of an emergency end the treasurer is unavailable, another can write a check on short notice. The board will create some guidelines for safeguarding and finalize at the next meeting.



•           Disclosure packets may be obtained from Don Lepsch 295-3648

•           If you would like your minutes emailed, please forward your address to Farrell Vangelopoulos at


Next Meeting: Tuesday July 22 at 7:30 p.m. at Rachel Rust’s House, 1516 Stoney Creek Drive.


Christina Cavaliere President 923-0366
Don Lepsch* Vice President 295-3648
Daniel Greene* Treasurer 978-3404
Farrell Vangelopoulos* Secretary 245-0019
Joe Gottlieb* Grounds & Maintenance 984-1275
David Cooper Social & Website Chair 297-3733
Rachel Rust* At Large 923-3749

Email the whole board