MEETING COMMENCED 7:07 p.m.  11/1/2005

1.  Last meetings minutes approved w/ one correction – the price for Dixon trash should have read "per quarter", not per month.

2.  All future meetings will be held at in the Cale Elementary school cafeteria – thanks to Joe Cantu for his efforts in securing this meeting space, and thanks to the School Board and Cale Elementary for allowing us to meet.

3.  A heartfelt thanks to our block captains for their continued work with minutes distribution:  Kim McCormick (upper Stoney Creek/Shady Grove), Joe Greenburg (Homestead), Karen Ferrer (Copper Hill and Bent Tree), Marilyn Berard (Hidden Ridge, Star Crest), Mary Alice Bond (middle and lower Stoney Creek), Elaine Richardson (Whispering Oaks, Sagewood, Arrow Wood).


Treasurer Report  (chair = Farrell): 

Thanks to Farrell for all of her work.  See attached for complete report.


ARC Report  (chair = Sally):

(1) Storage shed approved at 1697 Stoney Creek Drive.

(2) The committee has written letters to two homeowners who have made changes to the exterior of their house without approval from the ARC.  Please be good neighbors and remember – MCS is a planned community – please submit an application to the ARC before making any changes.

(3) Letter sent to Davis Property Management – unapproved fence at 447 Hidden Ridge.  They have 30 days to respond to remove fence or face legal action.


Boundary & Roads  (chair = Karla):

(1) Karla has been investigating the MCS common area borders.  The county has received a request for a new development (Fox Ridge) on the recently sold "Breeden property" – which will border MCS to the south and possibly the west.  The board asks all MCS residents to stay tuned to learn when County planning commission meetings will be held and to attend if possible.  The County master plan states that buffer zones should be left between neighborhoods, but we would like a contingent from MCS to ensure this happens.  The board voted not to spend the money to survey our borders as this was recently done by the developer of the adjacent property.  Many neighbors (Don Lepsch, Mark Lepsch, Karla Berger, Mark Haefele, Jenny Commins) have been working for the last several years in various ways to try to prevent development of our immediate borders – please contact Karla to get involved.

(2) Joe Gottlieb has been working with VDOT to try to arrange a final clean up (gravel sweeping off the streets) from the paving earlier this year.  Thanks Joe!


Social (chair = Jenny): 

(1) Halloween carnival a wonderful success – nearly 100 people attended.  Thanks Jenny!  Thanks to all the volunteers:  Jenny and Scott Commins (planning, management, setup/breakdown), Mariah and Allah Palermo (cotton candy table), Farrell Vangelopoulos and the Ivy Inn (tables, chairs, tent, setup), Kori Messinger (hay bale Xport), Chip McElereney (pi–ata setup), Mark Lepsch (setup/cleanup), Don and Marilyn Berard (treat distribution/digital photography), Karla Berger (still photography), Nadine and Ben Urban (craft table), Joe and Sue Cantu (hot chocolate, cupcakes, pinata and mummy volunteers).

(2) A neighborhood resident has volunteered to construct a horseshoe pit and a child playground on Arrow Wood.  More discussions in the future.

(3) The board also discussed running power to the Arrow Wood location where the carnival was held for future events.  Stay tuned.

(4) The board voted to approve a $500 budget for a Holiday Celebration on Arrow Wood Drive. 


Web site (chair = David):

Thanks David Robinson for all his work.  We are still updating some information (meeting times, board members, etc.)


Volunteers needed:

(1) Homeowner relations chair (recently renamed).                      (2) GroundŐs and Maintenance            (3) ARC members and chair


New Business:

(1) Karla Berger (424 Hidden Ridge Road) and Bill and Pat Price (420 Hidden Ridge) have asked the boardŐs permission to perform some tree pruning in the common area behind their houses.  No cost will be incurred to the board.  No live trees will be cut down or damaged, but some branches will be removed to increase the homeownerŐs views.  The board voted to approve this action.

(2) A neighbor inquired about parking on and along our neighborhood streets – recently a car was towed while being parked along the street.  After discussions w/ VDOT (Charles Baber 293-0011, x114), County Police, and County Attorney – there is a 15 foot right of way on either side of our streets which belongs to VDOT.  Per the Albemarle Cty police, cars parked here are in a public right-of-way and homeowners cannot authorize towing from this area, even if this is directly in front of your house.  That said, please be good neighbors and do not park in front of anyone elseŐs house but your own.  Also, please contact your neighbors before having cars towed.  Most people here are very friendly and responsive!

(3) Special thank you to Graham Bond for cutting back limbs of trees on Arrow Wood as directed by the board.

(4) Joe Gottlieb, as a former board member and long time volunteer for MCS HOA, asked the board to include a special plea to all homeowners – Please consider getting involved with your neighborhood.  The HOA exists solely to keep our neighborhood safe, beautiful, and a great place to live.  Over the past few years we have often had empty spots on the board of directors, and often cancelled meetings due to lack of a quorum.  Recently we have had several new members, and we can still use more help.  Volunteering can be very rewarding, lots of fun, and often only takes a small time commitment.


MEETING ENDED, 8:13 p.m.


Directors and ARCC:  *=present                                                                                                                     Homeowners:

*Joe Cantu                         President 293-5191                                            *Sally Mank (ARC Chair)     963-7962


Farrell Vangelopoulos       Treasurer          984-4990                                     *Pat Vance

*Mark Lepsch                    Secretary           296-4359                 *Joe Gottlieb

Jenny Commins                 Social                 295-7586                       *John And Elaine McGrath

*Megan Raymond              At Large             979-5457

*Nini Almay                       At Large             293-4598